Monday, June 18, 2007

Japan Atomic Solar Flares

Remote-viewing message titled : ` Japan Atomic Solar Flares '
June 15th, 2007, @1331 [ military time ], Friday
By: Betty C. Clark

First, to understand remote-viewing, you may want to read this :

Remote viewing is the purported ability for a viewer to gather information on a remote target consisting of an object, place, or person, etc., that is hidden from the physical perception of the viewer and typically separated from the viewer at some distance or time.[1][2]

The following data is being presented to the reader, as a behind the scene
tribute to the connections in global research about `solar flare's`. Which is
what the remote-viewing message was about,a global warning about solar flares.

The remote-viewing message was pointing directly at the geography
of Yokohama, Japan. Here is a atlas, which shows the area as Japan's
largest city after Tokyo.

Also the message listed a `ward` area of Yokohama, called Tsurumi-ku. Wards are like hamlet's are in England.

To fully describe the value of the remote-viewing message, I will
copy and paste a letter I wrote regarding solar flares. At the end of
the letter, I will post the remote-viewing text and my research.

Subj: Douglas Biesecker: Solar peak expected in 2011-2012 :Solar Cycle 24
Date: 6/17/2007 5:40:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Bclarkgemetria

Mr. Biesecker:
I saw your email predictions, in reference to Solar Cycle 24:

E-mail predictions, no later than September 9, 2006 to
Douglas Biesecker

Below is a very interesting April 28th, 2007 report from Washington Associated
This is the best web link, for novices [ such as myself ], in the hobby
of seeking information about Solar Cycle 24. [ web link listed below ]

Although my entry did not make your September 9th, 2006 deadline, I
would like to include for your files, the following theory of mine,
regarding Solar Cycle 24 :

Theory called : ` Japan Atomic Solar Flares ` :

* 140 sunspots by 2012

* March 2008 starts the Solar Cycle 24

* area geography specific to : Yokohama, Japan . . . should be studied

* 'ward' location called Tsurumi-ku, Japan. . . could involve major shipwreck
[ specific to : Operating floating oil rigs in the ocean requires keeping them positioned within a few inches to prevent damaging drilling gear. “They have to know when GPS is going to be accurate.” ]

* Pacific horizon, will produce northward wind gales

* June 15th potential date [ year unknown ]

* storms `reduce` in tropical horizon areas

* the new language about Solar Cycle 24, will be : Atomic Flares

* operative control issues with airlines, specific to Pacific Ocean area
[ specific to : Airlines flying over the pole face loss of communications that could force them to use a different, longer route at an added cost of as much as $100,000 per flight ]

Betty C. Clark

Washington Associated Press, article:

[ see web link below, which explains some of the connections to my theory about : Solar Cycle 24 ]

Solar peak expected in 2011-2012
Posted April 28, 2007
According to CNN :

WASHINGTON (AP) — The peak of the next sunspot cycle is expected in late 2011 or mid-2012 — potentially affecting airline flights, communications satellites and electrical transmissions. But forecasters can’t agree on how intense it will be.

A 12-member panel charged with forecasting the solar cycle said Wednesday it is evenly split over whether the peak will be 90 sunspots or 140 sunspots.

The government’s Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colorado, tracks space weather and forecasts its changes, which can affect millions of dollars worth of activities such as oil drilling, car navigation systems and astronauts.

Half of the specialists predicted a moderately strong cycle of 140 sunspots expected to peak in October of 2011, while the rest called for a moderately weak cycle of 90 sunspots peaking in August of 2012.

“We’re hoping to achieve a consensus sometime in the next six to 12 months,” said Douglas Biesecker, a space environment center scientist who is chairman of the forecast panel.

An average solar cycle ranges from 75 to 155 sunspots.

During an active solar period, violent eruptions occur more often on the sun, the agency said. Solar flares and vast explosions, known as coronal mass ejections, shoot highly charged matter toward Earth.

Making these predictions is important for many businesses, which have been asking for a forecast for nearly a year, Biesecker said.

Just like coastal residents want a hurricane forecast as early as possible, so do those affected by solar activity, said Joseph Kunches, chief of forecast and analysis at the center, which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado-Boulder, noted that more than $200 billion satellites in space can be affected by changes in solar radiation as the cycle rises and falls.

In addition, Baker said, other problems include:

# Airlines flying over the pole face loss of communications that could force them to use a different, longer route at an added cost of as much as $100,000 per flight.

# The Global Positioning System is immensely important to commerce and can be disrupted by solar activity.

# Operating floating oil rigs in the ocean requires keeping them positioned within a few inches to prevent damaging drilling gear. “They have to know when GPS is going to be accurate.”

# There is an increased radiation risk to humans in space.

# Currents can be induced in long electrical transmission lines, causing blackouts.

In the past, such problems have been caused by solar superstorms, he said.

“Storms don’t have to be so super any more” to cause problems, Baker said, as more and more systems become susceptible to solar effects.

W. Dean Pesnell of NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory said the solar storms also can heat the Earth’s upper atmosphere, causing it to expand. This increases drag on satellites, slowing them down. It also affects the position of the space debris encircling the planet, and it is essential to keep track of that debris for the safety of space flight.

The forecasters said the current solar cycle will probably end next March, when Solar Cycle 24 will begin. That will mean Cycle 23 lasted 12 years, slightly longer than the usual 11-year cycle.


1331 [ military time ] ; Friday ; June 15th, 2007

Remote-viewing message titled : Japan Atomic Solar Flares [ the title was added after the message, not part of the message ]

. . . Landing gear knocks the bridge gear off the ramp. The steering column

releases the enzyme pressure seals to the galley.

Withering storms reduce in tropical horizon.

The candle is low to the flame for fuel option.

Sending barrier over the reef and collecting the atomic flares from

YOKOHAMA, Japan, walks pretty straight forward in regard to man power.

The driftwood circles the deck planks.

Seldom do the batten hatch stronghold resume its northward wind gales.

So the Pacific horizon luminous in the disk shaped obstacle.

The obstacle is unknown and low altitude control operative dysfunction.

Rise and fire-risers are under watch for open, to release stern pressure

below gut area of vessel.

Watching and waiting for survivors to crest the wave toward light

of moon lit scape.

Dowsing rod showed no help to attract electrical current to charge

battery box.

The wind currents continual beating of the flask of the bough.

Gives reason of panic in sailors who remain holding to boards and faith.

The red flare is the last ditch step.

Saved for night to increase visibility of shipwreck. ( Tsurumi-ku )

End of remote-viewing message . . .

Below are the geography area's listed, in the message :

Yokohama (横浜市, Yokohama-shi?) is the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture and, with a population of 3.6 million, Japan's largest city after Tokyo[1], located in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshū. Yokohama is a major commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area.

Tsurumi-ku (鶴見区, Tsurumi-ku?) is one of the wards of the city of Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It includes the former village of Namamugi, site of the Namamugi Incident of 1862.

Research conducted by Betty C. Clark, in reference to her remote-viewing
message titled : ` Japan Atomic Solar Flares `

Because of my interest in Bible Codes, I web searched that category.
Bible codes, also known as Torah codes, are words, phrases and clusters of words and phrases that some people believe are meaningful and exist intentionally in coded form in the text of the Bible. These codes were made famous by the book The Bible Code, which suggests that these codes offer warnings for the future.

I am very interested in the Japan Bible Codes. And the Hebrew transliteration
of the word Japan.

This is a good time to explain how the geography of Japan, which was
presented in the remote-reviewing, has many web links to Bible Codes:

Also, note the emphasis on Japan in the "river of blood" and "satellite breakdown" news stories [because of the solar burst]. Japan is almost synonymous with the Atomic bomb when one thinks of war.)
The Mayan Calendar and the Sun

The Maya describe each era ending with a different "elemental" causing the destruction - fire, flood, or wind. All these could be caused by a giant
solar flare.

Click here: AOL Search results for "Japan Bible codes"

Alienshift, MARS, UFO, Alien, Pole Shift, Time Travel, 2012, Area ....
The Hebrew transliteration of "Japan" (yod-pey-nun) is highlighted twice in the matrix, ... Is The Destruction Of America Hidden In The Bible Codes?

The word J A P A N = Yod[10] + Pe[80] + Nun[50] = 140 ( this connection to the word Japan, with the 140, relates to this statement ):

" 12-member panel charged with forecasting the solar cycle said Wednesday it is evenly split over whether the peak will be 90 sunspots or 140 sunspots ". . . .

So this gave me the idea to look at the remote-viewing title : `Japan Atomic Solar Flares` . . .via seeking a traditional evaluation of a meaning, of the title.

And the following information represents the confirmation, I received.

Keep in reference that the word `Japan`, means in Hebrew alphabet:
Yod (10) + Pe (80) + Nun (50) = 140

And the 8[eight] and 1[one] are connected to the Pe(80) and Yod(10)
within the word `Japan`.
So this left only the Hebrew alphabet Nun(50), not represented,
within the word `Japan`. The number 50[fifty] was involved, in this
material. How ? Through the title, `Solar Cycle 24` ?

So I looked at two[2] of the three[3] Hebrew alphabets within the
word : JAPAN . . .

Because now I saw a link between the word `Japan` and the title
of my remote-viewing message, `Japan Atomic Solar Flares`.

At this point, I made a reference to watch for scientific numbers
describing formula's with numerical values of solar flares,
1, 5, 3, 1 and 10, 80, 50 and 8, 7, 1 plus 140.


*TEN[10] = NEON
*FIFTY[50] = TIN

The connection between atomic numbers and within the message about,
` Japan Atomic Solar Flares `, is very interesting.

I re-read the web link article by Washington Associated Press,
dated : April 28, 2007.

And then I thought about the 90 sunspots versus the 140 sunspots,
and the word `Japan` contained the Yod(10) + Pe(80), would equal ninety(90).
At this point, I knew that the word `Japan`(140), held both keycodes
to the 12-member panel's evaluation of solar cycle peaks.

" 12-member panel charged with forecasting the solar cycle said Wednesday it is evenly split over whether the peak will be 90 sunspots or 140 sunspots ".

In perfect order, the word `Japan`, Yod(10) + Pe(80) + Nun(50,would equal 140 sunspots. And the 1st Hebrew alphabet represented in the word Japan, Yod(10),
added to the 2nd Hebrew alphabet in the word Japan, Pe(80) . . . equals the 90 sunspots.


Is the Rev.8:11 : " . . . the star is called ' wormwood ' . . . " the meaning
of the ship wreck and atomic solar flares connection, to the message ?
Interesting, that the word Japan, equals 140. And the word wormwood equals 1040.

Rev 8:9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
Rev 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
Rev 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Αψινθος apsinthos {ap'-sin-thos} of uncertain derivation;; n f AV - wormwood 2; 2 1) wormwood 2) the name of a star which fell into the waters and made them bitter


Gematria: 1040

Wormwood: Αψινθος G0894 apsinthos 1040

1331 [ military time ] ; Friday ; June 15th, 2007

Remote-viewing message titled : Japan Atomic Solar Flares [ the title was added after the message, not part of the message ]

. . . Landing gear knocks the bridge gear off the ramp. The steering column

releases the enzyme pressure seals to the galley.

Withering storms reduce in tropical horizon.

The candle is low to the flame for fuel option.

Sending barrier over the reef and collecting the atomic flares from

YOKOHAMA, Japan, walks pretty straight forward in regard to man power.

The driftwood circles the deck planks.

Seldom do the batten hatch stronghold resume its northward wind gales.

So the Pacific horizon luminous in the disk shaped obstacle.

The obstacle is unknown and low altitude control operative dysfunction.

Rise and fire-risers are under watch for open, to release stern pressure

below gut area of vessel.

Watching and waiting for survivors to crest the wave toward light

of moon lit scape.

Dowsing rod showed no help to attract electrical current to charge

battery box.

The wind currents continual beating of the flask of the bough.

Gives reason of panic in sailors who remain holding to boards and faith.

The red flare is the last ditch step.

Saved for night to increase visibility of shipwreck. ( Tsurumi-ku )

End of remote-viewing message . . .

Below are the area's listed in the message:

Yokohama (横浜市, Yokohama-shi?) is the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture and, with a population of 3.6 million, Japan's largest city after Tokyo[1], located in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshū. Yokohama is a major commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area.

Tsurumi-ku (鶴見区, Tsurumi-ku?) is one of the wards of the city of Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It includes the former village of Namamugi, site of the Namamugi Incident of 1862.


New research : June 10th, 2008

ELECTROMAGNETIC weapons, involved with the Daniel 5:28, of the Medes & Persians, which is associated with the electromagnetic research under HAARP.

The following is the research from my files, concerning a message I was given about this word:

`ELECTROMAGNETIC` ( word given to me, July 12th, 2007 )

I am adding this research to my blog, on the message I was given about
Atomic Solar Flare, Yokohama, Japan

( ONLY THE WORD, 'electromagnetic' is from my original message, however I was guided by Holy Spirit, to this simple sentence to describe, why I was given this word )

In a message dated 7/12/2007 8:33:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Bclarkgemetria writes:
Electromagnetic energy released from the sun during a polar reversal could cause Earth's upper atmosphere to "erupt in flames" . . .

The scripture Daniel 5:28, is the keycode scripture :

PERES Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians
prac (per-as')
to split up -- divide, (U-)pharsin.
Thy kingdom
malkuw (mal-koo')
dominion (abstractly or concretely) -- kingdom, kingly, realm, reign.
is divided
prac (per-as')
to split up -- divide, (U-)pharsin.
and given
yhab (yeh-hab')
-deliver, give, lay, + prolong, pay, yield.
to the Medes
Maday (maw-dah'-ee)
and Persians
Parac (paw-ras')
Persia, Persians.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"'PERES '-- your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians."

Church Age: Secret societies and the kings have planned to war against Jesus Christ upon his return; to this end, the Star Wars program was undertaken. Electromagnetic weapons are presently being tested for use in this program. The Carlyle Group, a Washington merchant bank specializing in buyouts of defense and aerospace companies, is making handsome profits from the Star Wars Program.

Click here: Heeding Bible Prophecy: New Military

Among the weapons of mass destruction in the arsenal of the major powers are electromagnetic weapons.
"The [U.S.] Department of Defense will not comment about American RF/EM [Radio Frequency Electromagnetic] weapons, or if Russian RF/EM weapons' development is still going forward. However, experts say that the Russians are apparently still ahead in this science and could exploit that lead in a surprise strategic move, a move that could have grave consequences for the United States and the world." - 319

The fact that major powers have been testing electromagnetic weapons for over 30 years has been withheld from public knowledge.
"For one thing there is no delivery of any thing to any place. Bombs are obsolete. So are the planes to get them there. No helicopters necessary. All current nuclear devices are rendered nearly useless by electronic 'dudding.' All distant-destruction can be done from a control room, and to any point on earth. The destructive power of 'men' has just increased by orders of magnitude. The new weapons could even cause storms on the sun!...

Click here: Heeding Bible Prophecy: New Heavens


Ozone holes and solar flares will be manipulated to heat up the atmosphere.
And the FOURTH ANGEL poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues and they repented not to give Him glory. - Rev 16:8-9

Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be 7-fold, as the light of 7 days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound - Is 30:26

"The new [scalar electromagnetic] weapons could even cause storms on the sun!...

"The power of these weapons is so great that an accident or war could wipe out all life on earth, and even affect the sun....the closed-loop scalar radiation exchange system of Earth-Sun could be inadvertently 'tweaked' in the feedback loop from Earth to Sun, so that a large solar scalar resonance was stimulated. In that case the Sun could emit a mighty resonant 'burp' that would simply wipe out all life on Earth in a fiery shower.

"The 'terror' in the 'balance of terror' between nations has just increased by many, many orders of magnitude. The biblical prophecy that the Earth will be wiped out by 'fire and brimstone from heaven' is very near fulfillment now." - 694



HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an 'ionospheric heater'. (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40 to 600 miles above Earth's surface.)

Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope: antennas send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radio wave beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto Earth and penetrate everything-living and dead. HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other US military documents put it more clearly: HAARP aims to learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes". Communicating with submarines is only one of those purposes.

1 comment:

oloscience said...

Perhaps,things that the Mayan foretold some millenium ago,
he is in order to become truth...

Fausto Intilla